Wednesday, April 29, 2009

When Adek CD is SO Confident!

This is one of the thing that i cannot forget about my trip is this!

CD, I hope u love this video!!!!

Prince Syafiq J


Girl in the Kaftan said...

he reminds me of me..
thinking its this but actually its that hahaha

lucky there was no naked person inside.

hacd said...

OMFG !!! nonono ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! u also confident ok. i can hear ur "WOW!!!" loud and clear ! lol. it's a WOW indeed !

Prince Syafiq J. said...

What confident??? Hahaha!
I know it is room 4. But i was wondering why u went to room 3. I just went along with you. Hehe...

Whatever it is, I CANNOT forget thsi incident!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!