Sunday, May 25, 2008

Great Singapore Sale

is so on now!!!



Shopping = MONEY$$$

Let me give you some shopping tips!

  1. Make a list! Write down all the things you want to get.
  2. Write down the approximate price of each item.
  3. Give yourself a fixed amount of $$$ to spend on!
  4. I guess you are ready to shop!!!

Shopping can never be more EXITING!!!
  1. Call up your friends
  2. Go to the shopping center that you like
  3. Shop till you drop!!!!


Lets look at some stuff that I've bought so far...

Hoodie Sweater @ COTTON ON
Authentic Price: $39.95
GSS: $15.00


Hoodie Jacket @ COTTON ON
Authentic price: $34.95
GSS: $15.00

Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am getting 2 at the price of ONE!!!!!!!
What a great way to start MY GSS!!!

List of things I plan to get;

White Jeans no skinnys! ($30)
Black berms. ($30)
Plaid Berms ($30)
Sandals (<$20) Shoe (>$30)
SUPERMAN shirts (<$20)
Dye shirt ($22)
Red Coloured Gel ($5)
Headset ($34.50)

I am so in tight Budget!
Need to sacrifice some of them...
But oh well...
I will just get what I need first.
See ya soon....!

Prince Syafiq J

Monday, May 19, 2008

23 May 2008

Don't miss this date!
23 MAY 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Obsession of the PRINCE!

To those who are ANTI-SELF-OBSESS



Once again!


Please refrain your self from reading this post!

Your co-operation are much appreciated.

Didn't I told you not to read it???!!!
For the last time!
PLEASE refrain from reading this post!
I guess You are just stubborn!
I couldnt do much to stop you from reading this post.
Be prepared of

Have you meet your twins?
If so,
tell them this,

How about your brother or sisters who looks exactly look like you?

But different attitude?

Tell them the same thing,


add this,

"You can NEVER be as hot as ME!"

Am i being bubbly? or
I am bubbly myself?

HULK is just one pathetic man in green!

But with FAKE big muscles which was

sewn by the aunty

at the wet market!

She kept on complaining

for the SUPER LARGE pants that she have to sew

everytime HULK had sex!

If you see things like this,


Close your eyes when you see me naked!

(coz im too HOT for you)

Close your nose when you sense someone is getting naked!

(coz something stinks when they are being exposed)

Close the right side of you ear for the guy next to you is going to say...

"I NEED SEX!!!!"

(coz you will want to do it too)

Close your mouth everytime you cough.

(coz you don't want to tell people that you just suck something dirty rite!)

It is called "THE TRAIN"

coz I AM inside the train DUH!!!


To get seats in the train,

Try digging your nose


wipe your 'nose shit'

on the seats!

It works!

(only in the train)

(don't ask me why!)

If you see this guy in black!

tell him

he got zeBRAs hanging around his

down there!

Tell him to use


ITS HOTTER that way!


If you think im a BITCH,

I guess you are trying to say


Sunday, May 11, 2008

I think I feel I say I...

This is what I think, I feel, I say, I...

The trouble with love is...

To all teenagers out there,
frankly speaking,
this is NOT the time for you to get attached!

"Love can be the sweetest thing in the world."
"To love and be loved is the most wonderful thing in this world."

But if you are an adolescent,
don't ever think of getting into relationship.
Be it BGR, gay, lesbians or what so ever...
Your job is just to live life to the fullest!
you don't need a partner to make that happen.

Come on!
Let's think about it.

At a young age, you are already attached to someone else.
This cycle usually continues even after the relationship didn't work.
From that time on wards,
freedom is = nothing.

If you keep on getting into relationship,
until the day you are married,
I think this question will pop out of your head;

"Where is my freedom???"

You were always attached to another person since you were young.
You didn't get to live and enjoy yourself alone.
You were busy controlling your partner.
Your partner were busy controlling you.
Don't you think that is like limiting you freedom?

Every night, you need to at least spend some time with you partner.
Every day you will be thinking your partner.
You will need to inform your partner your whereabout.
You are sometimes not allowed to mingle around with other people
(of your partner's gender)
just because your partner don't know them.
(Doesn't your partner sounds MORE like your parents???)

They restrict you from doing this and that.
Is your parents restriction too good,
that you need someone else to give you more of it?

It is just funny that when our parents
do not give us our freedom,
we will keep on fussing over it until we get what we want.
But when our partner
(the one which I doubt will last for more than 5 years or even 5 month)
does that,
we will tend to just obey them
without any hesitation.
How ironic?

Our parents does that for they have valid reason.
But our partner does that for they don't want you to make them jealous.

All I can say is,
love at this period is useless!
and just such a waste of time!
All your 'Youth Freedom' will be used up
by your X-ces.
You didn't spent much time enjoying your own personal time.
Most of your time was all on your partner.
Don't bother following the trend of getting attached at this age.
Bother about the YOUR studies.
Bother about YOUR future.
Bother about YOUR style.
Bother about something else.

"Let this time be YOUR time! Not someones time."

My advice is to just be alone.
Not alone as in being Emo.
Just don't isolate yourself to a person which
you think
will not stay with you for the rest of your life.

Get yourself well attached to all sorts of people.
Like your friends, family, community.
Widen up your social circle.

You will worry less
as you got this whole lot
of people to support you,
rather than one pathetic human being.

This is the only time where you can have you own freedom!
Once you get married,
you will never get to enjoy the kind of life you have back then.
Gain as much knowledge as you can.

It is okay to be nerd or geek at this love thing. Your can nurture them when you are older. The experience will be better.

"Eating a ripe mango is sweeter than the newly grown..."

Don't worry about not being able to be in a relationship.
Fate will choose who you are suppose to be with.

By the way,


Prince Syafiq J

Saturday, May 10, 2008


I guess you guys have been wondering ALOT about ME!

But im just going to give a self update about myself.

Simply great! Loving each and every moment of it!
Nothing is better than me on the dance floor!
JIVE IG also!
Woo!! Hoo!!
I am soo loving RP!
My grades in school are all.....
Better than expected!
Keep it up P.S.J!

One word,
I simply love my class LOADS!

E35Q ROCKS!!!!
to the core!!!!

We are all GOOD people.

I am soo NOT going to be GR2 aite!
(e35q, u know what i mean..)


Better than expected!

Improving every day!
Good improvement everyday!


One bad thing.

I got a bad stomach!

Lately, i have been having a bad tummy ache in class...

I need to get out of the class every now and then.
For what?


I know you would say that.
but what to do?
I have to release it anyway...
NOT in the classroom ofcoz!

I wish there is a remedy for it.

Weight matter,

just irritated about it!
I will never gain weight!

I have never ever skip

breakfast, lunch, dinner!
I have increased the amount of food i eat,
3 times
of what I use to eat in the past.

What am i suppose to do?

To those who tell me to eat more!
Don't tell me to eat more!
I am eating more than ever!
Just frustrating to hear people saying that,
when they don't see how much food I eat!

I feel much better that my muscles are building up!



Thank you guys soo much!
For helping me with my laptop case.
Really appreciate it a lot!

The votes were a tide!
I am sticking it to Super A!
I received a lot of great comment on it.

If i do have any other query,
you guys will be 1st to know!

Thanx again!

Prince Syafiq J

Sunday, May 4, 2008


I need your help.
Look at the left colum,
and vote!
Thanx a lot!

Friday, May 2, 2008


How was that???


prince Syafiq J