Man Oh Man!
When Chocolate meets More Chocolate,
It will just give you MORE chocolate!
to let it out!
21 March 2009

Went out to meet Nisa n Izan.
Actually CD also, but that guy...
No comment.
Any way,
Went to eat ice cream at Ben & Jerry's at Cathay.
Before that,
bought some Brownies at POsh.
Eaten together with Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
Mango Sorbet and Chocolate Therapy,

Simply SINFUL!
And ORGASMIC!!!!!!!
Spent like hours in B&J.
Catching up.
Talking crap.

There is always Easter bunny when there's chocolate!

This is a story called
'The Prince Smile'
Once upon a time there was the Prince of Egypt.
Who was famous for his ring called,
The Purple Bug.

Even the Prince is having bad acne problem.
Every lady in Egypt wants to be his wife.
Just because of The Purple Bug.
One night,
the Prince was having a party at his palace.

Someone offered him B&J ice cream.
And he was awed by what it was called.
~Chocolate therapy~
Princess Izan, Prince Egypt's sister, told him NOT to take it!
She said 'NO to ice cream! Its bad for your health!'
But he insisted.
And took it.
Slowly he got HIGH!!!
Just like alcohol.
The ice and sugar must be reacting.
Look at him!
All crazy..
And his sister, couldn't be bothered about him.

As he was having the time of his life,
one lady give him a kiss
and whispered her name.
The evil witch!
Disguised in Nisa.
Her kiss had cast a spell on Prince of Egypt.
Now he is all mesmerised by Nifisafa...
This equate to TROUBLE!
Nisa, the EVIL WITCH, got hold of the ring.
She must have persuade him to give her the ring.
And he must have blindly gave her the ring.
She broke the spell.
and ran away....
Now NIFISAFA the EVIL WITCH owns the ring.
Prince of Egypt is so STUPID!
Now I own the ring!
I can!?
I can...
What can I do with this ring...??
I can....
This ring is worthless!
Prince of Egypt happily smile to himself.
.The End.

Prince Syafiq J

When Chocolate meets More Chocolate,
It will just give you MORE chocolate!
to let it out!
21 March 2009
Went out to meet Nisa n Izan.
Actually CD also, but that guy...
No comment.
Any way,
Went to eat ice cream at Ben & Jerry's at Cathay.
Before that,
bought some Brownies at POsh.

Eaten together with Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
Mango Sorbet and Chocolate Therapy,
Simply SINFUL!
And ORGASMIC!!!!!!!
Spent like hours in B&J.
Catching up.
Talking crap.
There is always Easter bunny when there's chocolate!
This is a story called
'The Prince Smile'
Once upon a time there was the Prince of Egypt.
Who was famous for his ring called,
The Purple Bug.
Even the Prince is having bad acne problem.
Every lady in Egypt wants to be his wife.
Just because of The Purple Bug.
One night,
the Prince was having a party at his palace.
Someone offered him B&J ice cream.
And he was awed by what it was called.
~Chocolate therapy~
She said 'NO to ice cream! Its bad for your health!'
And took it.
Just like alcohol.
The ice and sugar must be reacting.
Look at him!
All crazy..
And his sister, couldn't be bothered about him.
As he was having the time of his life,
one lady give him a kiss
The evil witch!
Disguised in Nisa.
Her kiss had cast a spell on Prince of Egypt.
Now he is all mesmerised by Nifisafa...
This equate to TROUBLE!
She must have persuade him to give her the ring.
And he must have blindly gave her the ring.
She broke the spell.
Now NIFISAFA the EVIL WITCH owns the ring.
Prince of Egypt is so STUPID!
Now I own the ring!
I can!?
I can...
What can I do with this ring...??
I can....
This ring is worthless!
Prince of Egypt happily smile to himself.
Prince Syafiq J
HAHAHAHHA, what a story!
egypt semue terkluar...
interesting !! :D
and gamba2 little bit semue tu tk perlu eh...
hahaahha ..
send me da pics ,'brother' aka prince of egypt!! :DD
Haha!Yes "sister"!
Must meet again! Not forgetting Mr HACD!
wth?! hahaha
chocolate paradise.. should bring cristy one day!!
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