Oh back now!
At last?
Dono what to say.
I am just lazy to blog.
Its not that I am busy,
im just lazy to update.
this post might be a little wordy.
So what!
Btw, I kinda like my new blogskin.
I did everything myself ok!
Purely the work of your Highness,
'Prince Syafiq J'
What do u think?
I did the "collage" myself!
and i find it damn cool lah!
Its so ALIVE!!!
Filled with all sorts of colours and picture of me!
So many new thing has take place.
New Semester.
New Class.
New Classmates.
New Friends.
New Bag.
New Room.
New Cabinet.
New Room Arrangement..
New Baju Raya.
New Clothes.
What else....?
New Pimples!
New Ugly Syafiq.
Basically thats all.
Maybe a New Girl Friend?
That one wait nong nong!
If my shoes are still stepping the school,
girlfriend is a No No!ONE very simple rule!-----
Now lets talk about the New things.
Oh my!
Did i talk about the class chalet?
Let me post that later.
By the way,
I took the bus back home just now.
I have the tendency to sleep in the bus
despite the short journey.
so, what happen was i missed my stop!
I was like WTH!
Look at the map below;
The place that i always alight cost 89cents.
my 2nd option cost $1.09
So what happen was i was sleeping
all the way to my 2nd option.
When the bus started moving off at the 2nd option,
I woke up.

WTH rite!
Its like that is your 'last stop'.
If i would alight after the 2nd option,
i would have to walk like a thousand mile!
And you know how u feel,
when you miss a stop,
what more you just woke up from you SLEEP!
with one big heavy bag
and walking is not an option.
Knowing that there is another option,
i just sat on the bus and wait for the bus to make one big U-turn.
And alighted at the pointed place.
Good thing i still got 3rd option..
but it cost like $1.16!!!!
I still got 4th option (opposite my usual stop)
If i would have not wake up at the 4th option,
i will be going back to Woodland Interchange!
Can anyone give me tips on
I tried,
eating (fasting month, so no food),
listening to loud music (doesn't work),
reading book (ermm, i read books to make me sleep at night),
what else can i do????
Tips please!
Successful Tips will be rewarded!
*reward- one BIG kiss from your highness, PSJ*
Walk back with some of the E35Qs after school.

Prince Syafiq J