Definition of Holiday
a day fixed by law or custom on which ordinary business is suspended in commemoration of some event or in honor of some person.
a time or period of exemption from any requirement, duty, assessment, etc.: New businesses may be granted a one-year tax holiday.
a religious feast day; holy day, esp. any of several usually commemorative holy days observed in Judaism.
Sometimes, holidays. Chiefly British . a period of cessation from work or one of recreation; vacation.
an unintentional gap left on a plated, coated, or painted surface.
and yeah!
That is what I'm having now!
and for the past few weeks ago...
So busy being bored at home.
So busy lazing around.
and yeah!
That is what I'm having now!
and for the past few weeks ago...
So busy being bored at home.
So busy lazing around.
Aside from that
the YOG.
They are so lucky to have volunteers.
I dont really fall under that category.
By right i should have volunteered and enhance my portfolio.
But I was busy with dance.
Performance here and there.
How to volunteer.
and I perform also for YOG.
My first YOG performance was one word.
We were dancing in the middle of the basketball court.
With all the basketballers practicing their game.
I was like....
Oh mY FreAKinG God!!!
While we were dancing,
BALLLS were flying around!!!
They were flying all over the place!
can you imagine that!!!!
And finally I made my late night sleeping to good use.
I worked night shift.
Thanx to Mr HACD!
I was working for 4 nights at the YOV.
aka Youth Olympic Village.
The place where the olympian sleep, eat, play, had sex, dance, club and many more...
I was under DHL.
Help they to tear down the village.
1st 2 days was the best!
I was practically 'makan gaji bute'
direct translation: eat salary blind.
hope that helps!
It means you are working but not working.
You do nothing but still got pay.
Because on the 1st 2 days, our duty were to help the olympian transport their luggage to the truck.
But I work from 11pm to 7am.
So not many people go home at that time.
So i was at the canteen doing nothing.
Just chatting...
sleeping and yah...
nothing much..
Not only until the 3rd and 4th day.
That is when all the work come down piling like a water fall.
Everyone were posted the main village.
previously was at the hostels.
and that is when work begins.
we have to transport all the NIE classrooms tables and chair back to normal.
Arrange the chairs to how it use to be.
and i was told that they are trying to do a 3 months job in 3 days.
meaning the set up took 3 months.
and they are trying to tear down and get things back to normal in
3 freaking days!
Tell me how possible is that?!
But yah...
I'm done working there...
I cant wait to get my pay!!
talking about pay,
i got my pay for dancing in zirca!
and on that day it self,
i spent the money.
Only $20.
I bought a poloT from G2000.
They were having offer/sale.
So i just get it since its kind cheap.
Talking about spending money...
I have yet shop for hari raya.
Like new clothes.
except for the poloT from G2000.
Other than that,
I myself dont know what to buy.
Coz when I out with my parents and friends,
I dress differently.
I am crazier when Im out with my friends.
I mean when i go out with my parents,
there will be aunties and uncles.
My dressing might be unsightly if i dress like how i go out with my friends.
It might be a little too much for them.
when i go out with my parents,
ill just wear simple.
Simple poloT or tshirt and jeans.
Then hari raya,
i dono..
besides the traditional costume.
I don't know what else...
And I think I am going to partly thank my internship for saving me from this misery.
coz i will only have one week to enjoy my raya b4 i stars my attachment.
So yah..
Now now...
let me see what i want to buy.
I have some in mind.
Like the boat shoe i have been dying for!!
something like this

something of earthy colours.
pretty laid back kind of shoe.
I cant rely on my white loafers any more coz the ah bengs are wearing them.
next the pants.
I am seeing the trend in chinos.
and im loving the smart casual look.

The soft baby pink and blue combination.
how cute!
I already got the blue one but need to alter it.
Got it at the salvation army at $5.
Kinda big tough.
need to make it slim,
and vualls!
And also im planning to get one cargo colour.

I hope i can wear something like that to work!
I think i want to get one plain white shirt.
like the one above.
aside from chino,
i also want the coloured jeans from Uniqlo.
They have it in variety of colour.
like different shades of purple, pink, blue, grey.
I wana get those purple one.
Slim cut.
thats what i need!
and also i think i want to buy some plain coloured tshirt.
i really need them.
Hacd has loads of them!
All sorts of colour from Topman and Uniqlo.
I wana go Uniqlo and get some.
Saw them selling it at $9 per shirt.
might get a couple of bright colour.
and and and also!
a plain black cardigan.
one simple plain black cardigan.

Its so versatile.
I am really getting one!
oh yah!
Not forgetting my strip tshirt!
i want to complete my navy look!

wait wait!
i also want to buy those hat.
summer hat they call it.

Maybe im going to do a soft rebond to my hair.
den i can flips hair!
Look at the models for the hats.
They have nice pretty straight hair.
I am not going to do those super straight like broom hair.
Just nice smooth and natural looking hair.
coz my hair now is pretty curly.
just need to thin it a little.
and vualla!
and that is soo much of 'i dono what to buy!'
Exams is just around the corner...
and i have not studied!