*disclaimer: majority of the photos below are extracted from various websites.
so, if you want me to remove them, do leave me a message*Here comes the holy month.
The fasting month.
Despite the hunger I am facing,
It is also a good time to shop.
A good reason to shop.
Coz Hari Raya is coming.
Kinda Need new clothes for hari raya!
So i am going to list out what I wana buy.
Shopping list.
I already got my
(1) electric/royal blue pants.
bought it at my work place, John Little.
They surprisingly have that cool coloured pants!

its sold at $29!
I think its pretty cheap.
I mean I saw them selling at Topman and Massimo Dutti.
For sure it WILL cost a bomb!
and further more,
I got my permanent staff to use her staff card.
so, i got 25% OFF!
So its like $21 dollars!
and I am loving that blue pants!!!!
Because it is super bold blue!

I think that the BLUE is the BEST colour ever!
No wonder the sky is blue.
You will never EVER get sick of it!
the aunty at my workplace say its not nice coz it is hard to match.
I got no comment coz they are aunties...
I think the pants is FUN!
Its a bold bold colour!
You can go both ways.
You can either make it pop outmore!
or take a chill pill with it.
I plan to pair it with another popping colour.
Like yellow, orange or red shirt.
But you will need a few MORE BALLS to carry this look!
STAND OUT in the crowd!

wear a white or black or grey or warm neutral colours
with it to ease the boldness.

I already have a hot red berm.
i rarely wear it but when I wear them,
I think i have handle them well.
Got my
(2) floral shirt.

The bottom half of the shirt kinda faded to a dark green colour.
Didnt take a full length photo with it.
and yes!
another item that requires you to be have ba gua skin!
i got mine at KL.
Its around Rm50 or less there
Coat about SGD20 ish...
cheap right?!
In Singapore,
it would have cost SGD50 itself!
Like What The Falala!!
(im fasting, so cannot say the F word)I think if a guy were to wear a floral shirt,
he needs to consider a lot.
like the flower printed.
the colour of the shirt.
I mean the fact that you are wearing something
that is PRETTY!
that is meant to be for WOMEN!
You need to make it look MANlier on you!
To be safe,
try avoiding PINK flowers!
or pink shirt with flowers.
Its just too feminine.

I like how the red blazer kinda tone down the floral print.

I want to buy some
(3) coloured cardigan.
i think cardigan is a good thing.
I know the weather in singapore is hot,
but it is a nice outer wear to have to spice up you look a little.
Just pull the sleeve up and i am fine with a simple tshirt in singapore!
I already have black and grey cardigan.
I just need a few more with cool colours.

I was working in John Little and they have MANY nice cardigan.
its only $25!
And cardigan is light,
so i can just throw them in my bag when i dont need them,
and my bag will still be as light.
so a coloured cardigan is a MUST!
next is anything leopard prints!
I have been dying to own
(4) anything Leopard prints!!!
This is a MUST MUST in my wardrobe!
Be it shoe, shirt, tshirt, jacket, cardigan, pants, shorts!
I NEED to have at least ONE!

I love how balanced the shoe is.
It is not ROAR!

Unlike this shoe.
But I wouldnt mind owning it!

I think this shirt is nice.
Manly enough.

One of my favourite shoe.
Coz it have the best of both world!
Animal prints and Studs!

Even Steven Tyler wears them!!!

why cant i???
if not leopard prints,
I am fine with other animal prints.
Zebra, tiger, giraffe, cow...
I need
(5) Basic tshirt!
Like plain old coloured Tshirts!

I have a lot of tshirt but they are all printed with graphics and stuff.
I need like many simple plain colouful tshirts.
I know that my good friend, Mr Hasidie owns LOADS of them!
from TOPMAN especially!
I dont even have a simple black or white tshirt.
I need them coz I want to pair them up with what i stated above.
all things crazy clothes!
And also kinda to simplify my clothes.
Coz you CANNOT!
Wear crazily printed shirt with leopard prints clothes!
oh yah!
and maybe
(6) long sleeve tshirt also!

I have been wanting to buy this for long!
(7) black sheer shirt.
it is so hard to get this!

I know Topman has it but you know I dont play Topman!
It is freaking EXPENSIVE!!!
I only go for CHEAP GOODS!
So, I am trying to get it from the ladies shop or blogshop
coz i know i can get it at a way cheaper price!
I want to wear sleeveless shirt or singlet with the sheer shirt.
and not like this

I know that i will own one of these when November comes.
(8) Boots!


i want to stuff my skinny jeans in them!
wear them with men shorts! or berms!
and show off my MEN hairy skinny chicken legs!
meggings and shorts!

Talking about boots.
Especially Doctor Martens,
they came up with
Brogue Shoes!
I think they are awesome!
this is brogue shoe

but Doctor Martens and some other designer made them look
pretty eye popping and
in love with them more!

I went for a temporary admin job.
and show this guy wearing something like this
but all black.
Looks like normal dress shoe but with a twist!

I tell you!
I am soo in love with it now!

and now a days i see many men in slim blue jeans,
plain white shirt tucked in
with a brown belt and shoe.
that i a perfect match!
I want to get those
(9) pairing brown belt and shoe.
This is not any brown.
not those chocolate brown.
But more of an orangey tone brown.

I couldnt find any good example of it
but these guys here are close...

pair them with chinos also...

and another shoe that i have see it commonly!
It is very very common.
I know I dont like to be common
but i cant help but to need to own one.
(10) boat shoe.
the ultimate casual shoe!
my brother just bought one.
and its like all red in colour!

I am so loving it!
How i wish i can fit in it!
den i can borrow it from him.
But I want something like this

My uncle owns them.
And I love it!
He wear it at almost any occasion and still look good.
if its not this colour,
I would love a colourful one!

And lastly!
(11) Accessories!
Loads and loads of them!
"bangles", rings, necklaces, bags, man-clutch
actually there are many others,
but i shall just stop here!
Prince Syafiq J