I am not gona care much about how my blogs looks like now. But I think I just want to let this out.
I dont know whats getting into me lately. I suddenly felt 'Lonely'
I feel so alone. Its not those literally i am lonely kinda feeling. But more of like, i am alone because of me being single?
I mean, I dont know... I just feel like i want to love somebody. I, I just want to be with somebody who i love truly.
I want to fill my empty heart with that someone special. I want that special someone.
This is just so not me. I really dont want to me attached. I am really not prepared. This thing have been going one some time.
Sometimes I just feel like having that special someone to talk to, every night before i go to sleep. I want to say "Good Night Love, I Love You". And the good night conversation will just go on, either one of us not wanting to put the phone down cause we just dont want to. Only until one of us decide to put the phone down unwillingly. I want to go to sleep smiling about that special someone and thinking that that special someone will always be in my heart. I long to see that special someone in my dream. I want to wake up in the morning thinking about nothing but that special someone. I want to check my phone and see if that special someone have text me in the morning. I want to be the one saying "Good Morning Love. I Love You" I want to walk down the streets holding that special someone's hand. I want to hug that special someone tight like there is no tomorrow and say "I Love You" with my tears rolling down my cheeks. Knowing how much I love that special someone so much. How much that special someone means to me. I want to look deep into that special someones eyes and we both know what we are saying, "I Love You". I want that special someone to be a secret. A sacred? It will just be us. Only us and nobody. Dear Cupid, Dear God, where is that special someone?